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Occupy Seacoast; Progressive Activists


We are a group from various towns in the Seacoast area that work to advance progress on social justice and equality issues.

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Dark Money

In the politics of the United States, dark money is a term that describes funds given to nonprofit organizations—primarily 501(c)(4) (social welfare) and 501(c)(6) (trade association) groups—that can receive unlimited donations from corporations, individuals, and unions, and spend funds to influence elections, but are not required to disclose their donors.[3][4]


According to the Center for Responsive Politics, "spending by organizations that do not disclose their donors has increased from less than $5.2 million in 2006 to well over $300 million in the 2012 presidential cycle and more than $174 million in the 2014 midterms."[3] The New York Times editorial board has opined that the 2014 midterm elections were influenced by "the greatest wave of secret, special-interest money ever raised in a congressional election."[5]

Big Money in Politics

#BlackLivesMatter is an online forum intended to build connections between Black people and our allies to fight anti-Black racism, to spark dialogue amongst Black people, and to facilitate the types of connections necessary to encourage social action and engagement.

We value dialogue and relationship building between and among Black people. We ask that others sharing information on this page be diligent about respecting one another's viewpoints, ensuring that we are not "preaching at" our brothers and sisters and those in between. In short, we ask that you use this page as a resource for collaboration and information about issues impacting Black people throughout the diaspora--and to use other venues to sell products, preach the gospel, etc. Posts that do not reflect these values and intended uses will be deleted.

We ask that you use this page in ways that create, spark innovation, solidarity, and foster the practice of Black Love.

Racial Justice

The Fight for $15 started with just a few hundred fast food workers in New York City, striking for $15 an hour and union rights.

Today, we’re an international movement in over 300 cities on six continents of fast-food workers, home health aides, child care teachers, airport workers, adjunct professors, retail employees – and underpaid workers everywhere.

For too long, McDonald’s and low-wage employers have made billions of dollars in profit and pushed off costs onto taxpayers, while leaving people like us – the people who do the real work – to struggle to survive.

That’s why we strike.

Fair Wages

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